August 08, 2018 | Posted by admin

Our Estate Auctions Are Getting a New Home

Cal Auctions Warehouse

The warehouse confusion is finally over!

Those of you who come to our preview or removal days sometimes get confused as to which warehouse to come to.

For those of you who don’t know, we used to have two separate warehouses for our different auctions. One warehouse housed all of our estate sales. The other warehouse across the parking lot was the location for all of our industrial and commercial auctions.

Well, the space next to our industrial warehouse has opened up, so we’ve moved everything over. Now we have one huge space together with two separate rooms. We’re all pretty excited about this because the team will finally be all under one roof again. Plus, we don’t have to annoy customers anymore by telling them to “go to the other warehouse”.

If you’re a fan of our Facebook page, you may have seen the pictures we posted of the warehouse while we were in the process of organizing and putting everything together.

Following our philosophy of upcycling and giving new life to old things, we have these shipping containers that will eventually become our office. We’re in the process right now of coming up with a design…

Shipping containers for office

As you can see, we’ve gone through many changes in the past few months. We’ve hired new team members, we’re upgrading our warehouse, and we’ve given our online auction catalogs a new look.

Speaking of, if you did not read our last blog post and you are a current customer, this is a friendly reminder that you will need to register for a new account in order to bid on items. This is due to our new bidding software. We are not able to migrate everyone’s information into the new system. Thanks for your patience and understanding.

We look forward to seeing you at a preview day in our new warehouse! You can always find upcoming events on our Facebook page or sign up to receive weekly email notifications by entering your email address at the bottom of this page.

As always, we welcome your feedback on anything, especially the new bidding software. If there are any glitches or if there are features you would like to see, please do let us know.


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