There may be a time when you might have to sell your vintage collection because you need the money. Perhaps you have simply grown tired of collecting and just want to downsize.
How do you go about selling those vintage collectibles? Where do you start?
Here are a few tips to help you out…
Naturally, you have emotions about the collection(s) you have because you’ve spent years building up the collection. You have probably invested a lot of money into it as well. There is also that sentimental value. However, when selling your collectibles, it’s important to detach yourself from these items otherwise you may not end up selling them at all.
Keep in mind that people nowadays collect items for pure enjoyment as opposed to collecting because of potential monetary value in the future. Items that typically retain value are gold, diamonds, silver, and art.
You want to price items to sell relatively quickly, but at the same time you don’t want to short-change yourself. That’s why it’s good to know the value. You can consult with an appraiser if you have more valuable items such as art, artifacts, or jewelry.
One way to find out a market price for a collectible is to search for sold items on auction websites. The key word here is “sold” price and not the price that items are being listed at. Yes, an item could be listed at $500, but if people are not willing to pay that much for it then it’s not the true value.
People are constantly on social media sites. These are channels of marketing that you don’t want to ignore. You can tap into your own networks to see if anybody would be interested in your items. If you’re not on social networks, it may be worth your while to hire someone who specializes in online marketing in order to reach a wider audience.
Selling your collectibles through an auction company could be your best bet if you don’t have the energy or time to do the research and marketing.
You’ll need to consider the costs associated with selling through an auction company and determine if it will be worth it. Keep in mind that you won’t have to put in the labor of taking pictures and marketing the items. If you value your time more than the money, then perhaps going this route may be best.
Are you in the Southern California area and want to sell your vintage collectibles? See how we can help! Send us an email or call 619-326-9690.